In 2017 I adopted Bullet from a family choosing to give him up. He was 15 weeks old, and was instantly my best friend. He has taught me everything I know about pigs. He is truly where our journey began. I lived in a small home in Peterborough, Ont and Bullet quickly gave me a crash course in housing a pig indoors. It came with mostly challenges, but every ounce of our bond was worth the growing pains!

The Pearly Acre was founded to serve an unexpected demand for experience and knowledge about my Pot Belly pigs. What began with simply taking Bullet for hikes at a local conservation area, to attending town events, became what is now The Pearly Acre. Named after my beautiful piglet, Pearl, whom I lost at 8 months old, we strive to live the most compassionate lives we can, in her name.
In January of 2021 The Pearly Acre officially became a not-for-profit organization. Currently home to 15 pigs, The Pearly Acre also works to help match unwanted pigs with new homes through a networking community.
Our immersive tours give you the opportunity to go into the pig pen and have time to touch and learn about them. Unlike a petting zoo setting, your tour is guided and is full of educational information to help you better understand an animal typically seen as food, and therefore overlooked.

At The Pearly Acre, we have 20 residents. All of them have their own unique story as to how they came to be at the Pearly Acre. Come meet: Bullet, Piper, Ivy, Dexter, Cash, Rosie, Quincy, Georgie, Hugh, Opal, Phoenix, Fern, Maxine, Willow, Nova, Jasper Nelly, Jasper- The pigs, Levi the Llama and Lincoln the Alpaca!
All of our animals are social and happy to let you pet their bellies! The Pearly Acre pays special attention to the importance of educating the public while they experience meeting the pigs. Understanding them is an important key to being able to close the gap between humans and animals.